Retina Conditions in Lake Eye Associates

Physicians at Lake Eye Associates

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A Reputation Built on Experience & Compassion

Our team is what sets us apart.

Through years of proven experience and innumerable success stories, our team has what it takes to help you find comfortable, clear vision and healthy eyes. Feel free to take a look at their stories or get in touch with us today to see how they can help you in person.

If youโ€™re ready to see how we can support your sight, book an appointment. We canโ€™t wait to help you.

Reputed Eye Care Team at Lake Eye Associates lake eye associates

Our Ophthalmologists

Scott R. Wehrly, MD

Scott R. Wehrly, MD

Medical Director Lake Eye Associates, Board-Certified Laser Cataract & Lens Replacement and Corneal Surgeon

Scot C. Holman, MD

Scot C. Holman, MD

Medical Director, Santa Fe Surgery Center, Board-Certified Laser Cataract & Lens Replacement Surgeon

Vinay Gutti, MD

Vinay Gutti, MD

Board-Certified Laser Cataract & Lens Replacement, Corneal Surgeon

Jose Alfredo Vazquez, MD

Jose Alfredo Vazquez, MD

Board-Certified Comprehensive Ophthalmologist

McKenzie McCalla, ARNP

McKenzie McCalla, ARNP

Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner

Our Optometrists

Christine Bui, OD

Christine Bui, OD

Optometric Physician

Mari Holderby, OD

Mari Holderby, OD

Optometric Physician

Our Locations

    US Eye Better Together Logo

    We are a proud partner with US Eye, a group that provides patient-first, sophisticated,
    unrivaled care in ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, and more.

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