Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Lake Eye Associates

Adult Eye Exams & Senior Eye Exams

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Your Optimal Vision Is Our Focus

Clear vision is an integral part of a healthy, happy life, and the doctors and staff of Lake Eye Associates work together to help you enjoy optimal vision long term. 

As with all health matters, the early discovery of changes in your vision is paramount for keeping your eyes healthy and sharp. We encourage you to visit your ophthalmologist regularly, so they can solve issues before they do permanent and sometimes severe damage.

Eye Exams Help Preserve Your Sight

Why is a regular eye exam for seniors essential? With a regular adult eye test, we can help prevent or correct nearly all eye diseases and disorders. 

For most people, a routine check-up and possible prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses are enough to put the world back in order. As we age or encounter changes in our health, other treatments may become necessary, but the goal of our doctors and staff remains the same: to keep your eyes healthy, clear, and focused on a bright, happy life.

Why is a regular eye exam for seniors essential lake eye associates

What You Need to Know About Eye Exams

A routine eye test for seniors should become a part of your general healthcare appointments, whether you have an apparent eye concern or not. Some ocular conditions can develop without symptoms, so an evaluation of your eye health could reveal signs of an eye disease that you didnโ€™t know you had.

For adults ages 18 to 64 who are low risk or asymptomatic, we recommend that you have an eye exam at least every 2 years. We may recommend more frequent eye exams for adults who are predisposed to eye disease or have another medical condition like diabetes.

During an eye exam, the doctor will assess your overall eye health by asking questions about your habits and lifestyle, then dive deeper with diagnostics to view the internal and external structures of your eyes. At the end of the exam, the doctor will guide you on the next steps, whether thatโ€™s further testing, a contact lens fitting, or sending you to our fashion-savvy opticians to help you pick eyeglass frames.

Our experienced doctors know that as humans age, so do the eyes. If youโ€™re over 65, we recommend seeing your eye doctor regularly, at least once a year. Maintaining a regular appointment schedule enables your doctor to monitor any changes to your vision and address situations before they worsen.

During a senior eye exam, we pay particular attention to signs of cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration, while also ensuring that your vision is the best it can be.

Treat Your Vision With Care

Visit Lake Eye Associates for exceptional eye care services. Youโ€™ll receive treatment with the most sophisticated and progressive technologies in the field and a pioneering force in innovative new ways to protect, correct, and restore vision, keeping it healthy throughout your lifetime.

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    We are a proud partner with US Eye, a group that provides patient-first, sophisticated,
    unrivaled care in ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, and more.

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