Optical Department at Lake Eye Associates

Branded Eyewear, Frames & Lenses

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Our Optical Team Is Ready to Help

If youโ€™re looking for durable, designer frames with high-quality lenses matched to your needs, look no further than our optical department at Lake Eye Associates.

Our helpful, knowledgeable staff will be happy to walk you through our extensive collection of beautiful frame designs and state-of-the-art lens options. Our goal is to help you achieve clear, crisp vision, so you never miss a moment.

Donโ€™t have a prescription? Thatโ€™s okay! Book an eye exam with our team and start seeing clearly today.

The Perfect Mix of Fashion & Function

Glasses do more than help you seeโ€”they can help you express who you are.

Our team understands the importance of having quality frames and lenses, so we work hard to find a pair that compliments both your vision and style. By considering the unique features of your face and head, weโ€™ll find a pair of glasses that fit comfortably and celebrate your appearance. See the difference today!

Importance of having Quality Frames and Lenses

Types of Eyeglass Lenses

By combining quality lenses with incredible frames, our optical team ensures your glasses are unrivaled in value.

Selecting a pair of lenses can require an eye exam, during which our doctors will be happy to determine which lenses are right for you and your needs. Please take a look at our branded eyeglasses options to the right, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Single vision lenses are among the most standard lenses available. These lenses correct refractive errors across a single field of vision.

We offer various types of multifocal lenses, depending on whatโ€™s best for your needs. Multifocals correct refractive issues across different distances using more than one prescription. Weโ€™re proud to offer:

  • Bifocals
  • Trifocals
  • Progressives

Polycarbonate and high index lenses are great options for people who have high prescriptions but donโ€™t want heavy or bulky lenses on their glasses.

Eliminate a โ€œbug-eyeโ€ appearance and enjoy newfound comfort with less weight.

Polarized lenses help eliminate glare in both indoor and outdoor settings, protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays.

Anti-reflective lenses are a fantastic choice if you want to eliminate glare and light halos, especially for activities like driving at night.

Transition lenses change their shading to match your environment, darkening in bright areas and clearing when the environment gets darker.

Our Locations

    US Eye Better Together Logo

    We are a proud partner with US Eye, a group that provides patient-first, sophisticated,
    unrivaled care in ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, and more.

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