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About Our Practice

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Focused Care & Visionary Service

Cherish every moment with healthy, clear vision.

From general eye care to ground-breaking laser cataract surgery, Lake Eye Associates offers compassionate treatments for a wide range of eye conditions and diseases. Every treatment is performed and managed by our experienced ophthalmologists and helpful, highly trained staff. 

We also proudly offer on-site optical departments throughout our locations, making us the premier destination for a lifetime of clear and healthy vision.

Your Eye Care Professionals

From the finest ophthalmological care to leading-edge optical services, our entire team unites in delivering an outstanding experience to every patient we serve.

Feel free to visit any of our practice locations to find the help you need. Surgeries are performed at our Sante Fe Surgery Center, which we equip with the latest and greatest in eye care technology.

Please check out our Physicians page to meet our incredible team of ophthalmologists and optometrists.

Our Board-certified ophthalmologists share extensive experience and training, enhanced by a deep commitment to providing consummate and comprehensive vision care.

Our doctors specialize in the most advanced preventive and corrective technologies, treatments, and surgeries available. Weโ€™re also passionate about delivering thoughtful education and guidance throughout every step of your eye care journey.

Our team of optometrists has extensive training and experience in assessing vision, prescribing lenses, and performing comprehensive diagnostic testing for common disorders like cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.

Our team also effectively treats dry eye, red eye, eye infections, injuries, and other problems.

See the Difference Our Team Makes

Find compassionate service from a caring team. Schedule an Appointment today and start seeing, and feeling, the way you deserve.

Our Locations

    US Eye Better Together Logo

    We are a proud partner of US Eye, a leading group of patient-centric, vertically integrated multi-specialty physician practices providing patients with care in ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology and cosmetic facial surgery.

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