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The Complete Guide to Dry Eye Symptoms, Causes, and Advanced Treatments

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The Complete Guide to Dry Eye Symptoms, Causes, and Advanced Treatments

Guide to Dry Eye Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Reviewed By: Dr. Christine Bui, OD Do your eyes often feel gritty, sting, or burn after long hours at the computer or in windy weather? Perhaps your vision gets blurry, or you struggle to wear contact lenses comfortably. These are hallmark symptoms of dry eye syndromeโ€”a condition that affects over 16 million Americans officially and […]

Exploring Advanced Dry Eye Treatments: What Are Your Options?

Exploring Advanced Dry Eye Treatments: What Are Your Options

Reviewed By: Jose Alfredo Vazquez, MD Dry eye syndrome can be frustrating and persistent, affecting your daily life and overall eye health. If you’ve been struggling with dry eye symptoms, know that advanced dry eye therapy options are available. In this blog, we’ll explore various treatments and help you understand when it’s time to see […]

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