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How Laser Cataract Surgery Will Improve My Quality of Life

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How Laser Cataract Surgery Will Improve My Quality of Life

A Doctor performing Laser Cataract Surgery

Reviewed By: Dr. Vinay Gutti Have you noticed your vision becoming cloudy, making it difficult to read, drive, or even recognize faces? Do bright lights cause glare or halos that make night driving a struggle? If so, you may have cataracts. Cataracts are a common age-related condition that causes the eyeโ€™s natural lens to become […]

What to Expect During and After Advanced Laser Cataract Surgery

Doctor performing Laser Cataract Surgery

Reviewed By: Vinay Gutti, MDLaser cataract surgery has become a leading option for those seeking improved vision and reduced dependence on glasses. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, this procedure, guided by a cataract specialist, makes precise incisions in record time. Here’s what you can expect before, during, and after advanced laser cataract surgery […]

How Can Advanced Laser Cataract Surgery Improve Visual Outcomes?

Advanced Laser Cataract Surgery Improve Visual Outcomes

Reviewed By: Scot C. Holman, MDCataracts cause a third of worldwide blindness, affecting approximately 65.2 million people and causing moderate to severe vision loss in over 80% of cases, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Thankfully, cataract surgery has made impressive progress, evolving from basic techniques to highly sophisticated laser-assisted procedures. These modern approaches […]

Is Laser Cataract Surgery Your Perfect Match? Explore the Options

Laser Cataract Surgery Options

Reviewed By: Scott R. Wehrly, MDIf you live in a blurry world with cataracts clouding your natural lens and obstructing light from reaching your retina, you may be a candidate for cataract surgery. Commonly developed with ageโ€”over 90% of individuals experience it by 65โ€”this cloudiness can severely impair your vision.ย  Laser cataract surgery, a highly […]

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