Jose Alfredo Vazquez, MD

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Jose Alfredo Vazquez, MD - Board-Certified Comprehensive Ophthalmologist

Jose Alfredo Vazquez, MD

Board-Certified Comprehensive Ophthalmologist

Dr. Jose Alfredo Vazquez is a Board-Certified comprehensive ophthalmologist who garnered his medical degree from Puerto Ricoโ€™s renowned Ponce School of Medicine. While practicing in PR, Dr. Vazquez served as the Director of the Medical Ophthalmology section of Damas Hospital and as an Associate Professor of the Surgery Department of Ponce Health Sciences University.

In 1996, Dr. Vazquez moved to the US to serve his ophthalmology residency at Tulane University Medical Center in Louisiana. He moved to Florida in 2018.

A Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Dr. Vazquez is highly experienced in diagnosing and providing treatments for diseases like glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), dry eye, and many others.

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