Laser Cataract Surgery in Lake Eye Associates

Laser Cataract Surgery

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Weโ€™re the Leaders of Advanced Cataract Surgery

If youโ€™re looking for a team with established results, the latest technology, and an unrivaled reputation for safety and precision, choose the team at Lake Eye Associates.

Our surgeons have performed over 40,000 combined cataract procedures during their careers and love restoring the clarity and quality you need to enjoy your vision. If cataracts are clouding your vision, speak to a cataract specialist today to see how we can help.

What Are Cataracts?

Cataracts are a common age-related condition that affects a part of your eye known as the crystalline lens. The crystalline lens changes shape depending on how far you are seeing, helping you achieve clear vision at various distances.

As you get older, proteins in your eyeโ€™s lens can break down, causing discoloration. Eventually, cataracts can affect the quality of your sight. Serious cases can cause blindness, but cataract surgery can help restore your vision.

Your risk of developing a cataract can also increase if you smoke, have diabetes, or have experienced an eye injury.

What are Cataracts lake eye associates

What Is Laser Cataract Surgery?

Laser cataract surgery is one of the most recent and advanced cataract treatments today. Using a device that combines computer-assisted analysis, measurement, and laser technologies, our team of surgeons can remove cataracts with safety, comfort, and precision.

After removing cataracts, our team implants an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) in place of your natural lens to help you achieve clear sight. The entire process from beginning to end can take as little as 10 minutes to complete.

The Difference Between CLE Surgery & Cataract Surgery

If youโ€™re interested in cataract surgery, you may have heard of Clear Lens Enhancement (CLE). 

CLE surgery is quite similar to traditional cataract surgery, where an ophthalmologist manually removes your eyeโ€™s crystalline lens and replaces it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). The main difference is that your surgeon removes a cataract lens during cataract surgery, while RLE replaces a lens not affected by cataracts.

CLE surgery may be recommended to help treat presbyopia, a condition that affects your lensโ€™ ability to focus light on your retina correctly.

IOLs for Every Need

Before you can have laser cataract surgery, itโ€™s important for our team to determine if the surgery is right for you. During a consultation appointment, weโ€™ll examine your eye health and tailor your treatment to best suit your vision. Because laser cataract surgery will remove your natural lens, weโ€™ll implant an intraocular lens (IOL) to help you achieve the clearest vision possible. We offer several IOLs from leading manufacturers and designers, each one designed to address specific vision problems.

Accommodating lenses work with your eye muscles to help correct symptoms related to presbyopia as well as improve your mid to far-distance vision.

Multifocal lenses use multiple prescriptions to help you see clearly at various ranges. By splitting light at different points in the lens, youโ€™ll achieve clear vision whether youโ€™re reading a book or watching a theater screen.

Monofocal lenses correct vision problems at a single distance. For example, you may elect to use a monofocal lens to help you see at a distance while using glasses to help you see up close.

Extended range lenses can provide clear, crisp, continuous sight at multiple distances.

We may recommend toric lenses if you have astigmatism. Its unique shape and design can also improve your sight if you have either nearsightedness or farsightedness.

RxSightโ„ข Light Adjustable Lens

Light Adjustable Lens Service at Lake Eye Associates

Lake Eye Associates now offers the Light Adjustable Lens, a new addition to our premium lens technology. The Light Adjustable Lens allows your surgeon to continue customizing your vision after your cataract surgery, allowing your eyes time to heal and adjust before locking in your personal best vision. This post-surgical adjustment is performed in the office through a series of brief, painless light treatment procedures. Typically reserved for patients who have had previous laser or corneal surgery, this technology is available in select markets. Ask your surgeon if the Light Adjustable Lens is right for you.

With the Light Adjustable Lens, you will have the unique opportunity to adjust and preview your vision until it meets your personal desires and lifestyle requirements. This optimization is done by your eye doctor after lens implantation through a series of light treatment procedures that take only a few minutes each session.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the Light Adjustable Lens and Light Delivery Device for patients with preexisting astigmatism of 0.75 diopters or more who are undergoing cataract surgery.

In the weeks following your surgery, you and your doctor will work together to optimize your vision using UV light treatments. During this period, you will need to wear UV-blocking glasses provided to you by your doctor. These glasses will protect your eyes from exposure to all other sources of indoor and outdoor UV light, which can cause uncontrolled changes to the Light Adjustable Lens.

The UV protective glasses must be worn during all waking hours, from the time of lens implantation until 24 hours after your last light treatment is completed. At that point, no further changes can be made to the implanted Light Adjustable Lens, and you can remove the UV protective glasses and enjoy your custom vision!

Treating Cataracts & Glaucoma

Lake Eye Associates is proud to offer treatments that address issues related to both glaucoma and cataracts.

Please visit our Glaucoma page to learn more about how this disease can develop and affect your eyesight. If you want to see how these treatments can help preserve your vision, please book an appointment with our team today.

The iStent inject can help manage intraocular pressure levels, preserving your vision from glaucoma.

The iStent is implanted during cataract surgery, where it will help keep your eyeโ€™s natural drainage system open. By allowing fluids to flow more freely through your eye, the iStent can manage the risk of permanent symptoms related to open-angle glaucoma.

The Hydrus Microstent is another glaucoma treatment our team can apply during your cataract surgery.

During the surgery, our surgeon places the Hydrus Microstent in a part of your eyeโ€™s drainage system called the Schlemmโ€™s canal. By opening up the Schlemmโ€™s canal across 90 degrees, fluids can reach your drainage system and reduce pressure in your eyes.

Make Life Clear Again

Many people just like you are seeking the help they need to see clearly again. Find out how our team can help treat your cataracts by contacting us today to book your appointment.

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