Glaucoma Care & Surgery in Lake Eye Associates

Glaucoma Care & Surgery Specialists

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Preserving Your Vision From the Silent Thief of Sight

How are you protecting your eyes?

The risk of developing eye diseases increases throughout your life, with one of the most common being glaucoma.

Glaucoma, if left untreated, could lead to permanent vision lossโ€”possibly even complete blindness. Our team at Lake Eye Associates understands the various ways glaucoma can develop and affect your eyes, and we offer several treatments to help protect your sight.

If you have glaucoma or have a risk of developing it, contact our glaucoma specialists to book an appointment. Weโ€™re ready to help preserve your vision from the โ€œsilent thief of sight.โ€

Glaucoma Is Among the Most Common Eye Diseases

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 3 million Americans have some form of glaucomaโ€”the most common being open-angle glaucoma.

Aging can increase your risk of developing glaucoma, but your risk may also increase if you have diabetes, heart disease, thinner-than-average corneas, or a family history of glaucoma.

Some types of glaucoma can develop without symptoms over years. However, our comprehensive eye exams use advanced technology to detect the slightest signs of glaucoma. Some of the most common methods include measuring your intraocular pressure (IOP) or observing your optic nerve for damage.

The Most Common being Open-Angle Glaucoma lake eye associates

Types of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that affect your optic nerve. The optic nerve is responsible for carrying the information your retina receives to your brain, providing you with sight. If the optic nerve is damaged, you may gradually, and permanently, lose your vision over time.

Determining which type of glaucoma you have is the first step towards treating the disease and preserving your sight. Most versions of glaucoma occur if your intraocular pressure (IOP) rises to unstable levels, but some may develop without affecting your IOP at all.

Open-angle glaucoma is the most common version of the disease, responsible for nearly 95% of glaucoma cases.

The disease typically develops when small blockages form in the drainage system of your eye, called the trabecular meshwork. Because these blockages prevent fluids from draining out of your eye properly, they can slowly raise your intraocular pressure over time and damage your optic nerve.

Over time, open-angle glaucoma can lead to permanent vision loss.

Angle-closure glaucoma, sometimes called closed-angle glaucoma, is a version of the disease that can rapidly increase your intraocular pressure, causing sudden symptoms like red eyes, eye pain, nausea, and sudden vision loss.

Because of how sudden angle-closure glaucoma can develop, we recommend finding emergency care immediately.

Normal-tension glaucoma is a version of the disease that can develop while your intraocular pressure stays within normal limits. Doctors arenโ€™t sure how this disease develops, but we can detect it by observing your optic nerve during a comprehensive eye exam.

If you have neovascular glaucoma, abnormal blood vessels can form in your trabecular meshwork and prevent fluids from draining. These vessels can also leak their own fluids and possibly cause inflammation in your eye.

These abnormal vessels can develop because of issues like diabetic retinopathy.

Treating Glaucoma

Even though there is no cure for glaucoma, our team proudly offers several treatment and glaucoma surgery options. We use the latest diagnostic technology to determine what type of glaucoma you have and which treatment is right for you.

In many cases, our team may begin your glaucoma treatment by prescribing eye drops or oral medications. We can then look at other treatments depending on the version of glaucoma you have and its severity.

One of the first steps in glaucoma treatment is prescribing eye drops or oral medications. These prescriptions can help manage your intraocular levels.

Selective laser trabeculoplasty is a unique procedure that uses energy to target your trabecular meshwork and clear it of blockages, making it easier for your eyes to drain fluids and maintain stable intraocular pressure levels.

The trabecular meshwork, located near the cornea, is an area of tissues where most of your eye fluids drain.

In advanced glaucoma cases, we may recommend a trabeculectomy to help your intraocular pressure return to normal levels.

During the procedure, an ophthalmologist creates an opening that allows fluid to drain outside of your eye. The fluid collects in a tiny pocket called a bleb, where it will be absorbed by your eye.

Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) is a treatment we may recommend if you have mild or moderate glaucoma. During the surgery, an ophthalmologist places a stent in your eyeโ€™s drainage system to keep it open and allow fluids to pass through.

We can also perform versions of this procedure during cataract surgery. Learn more about these surgeries by visiting our Laser Cataract Surgery page.

Our Team Is Ready to Protect Your Vision

Even though glaucoma is among the most common eye diseases adults can develop, there are many ways we can help protect and preserve your vision.

Book an appointment with a glaucoma surgeon at Lake Eye Associates today, and let our team preserve and protect your vision.

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