Contact Lens Exams, Fittings & Brands in Lake Eye Associates

Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands

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For Comfort, Clarity, & Convenience, Try Contact Lenses

About 75% of our countryโ€™s adult population uses prescription lenses, but not every type of lens is right for every kind of lifestyle. If youโ€™re looking for freedom from traditional frames without sacrificing the quality of your sight, contact lenses may be the choice for you.

By staying updated on the ever-evolving technology of contact lenses, we can help provide you with clear, comfortable vision for wherever life takes you. 

If youโ€™re wondering if contact lenses are right for you, contact us today to book contact lens exams and a contact lens fitting appointment. We can help you see the world in all its beauty.

Lenses for Every Need

Contact lenses have changed over the years. Earlier versions of contacts only corrected refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. In contrast, modern contacts can now address various eye conditions while still providing the clear, comfortable vision you need.

Even if you have corneal conditions like keratoconus or struggle with the discomfort of dry eye, we can offer several types of contact lenses. Our technologically advanced exam and fitting processes take a deep look at your eyes and their needs, giving us the information to determine the best lenses for you.

Itโ€™s time to see the difference contact lenses can make in your life.

Corrected Refractive Errors Contact Lenses lake eye associates

Specialty Lens Types

Weโ€™re proud to offer several types of contact lenses. If you need any specialty lenses, weโ€™ll be happy to order them.

Different types of contact lenses can also be worn for different lengths of time, like:

  • Disposable (used once and thrown away)
  • Daily wear (removed nightly)
  • Extended wear (removed after 7 days)

We can discuss your options at your appointment. For the clearest, most comfortable vision possible, please see our team at Lake Eye Associates for an exam and fitting.

Take a look at some of our featured lens types, as well!

Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lenses are made from plastic materials that allow oxygen to pass through and reach your eye surface. Oxygen can help ease some discomfort related to dry eye or other corneal conditions.

RGP lenses are known for providing sharper vision compared to other types of contacts.

If you struggle with corneal issues like keratoconus, you may find it difficult to wear traditional contact lenses comfortably. Scleral lenses are larger than average contacts, allowing them to rest on the sclera (whites) of your eyes and โ€œvaultโ€ over your corneaโ€™s surface.

Scleral lenses make it easier to achieve clear, comfortable vision without affecting any corneal conditions you may have.

Keratoconus is an issue that thins your cornea over time, causing it to protrude outwards and affect your visual clarity. However, Rose-K contact lenses could help you achieve the clear vision you need.

Rose-K contacts are created using computer-imaging technology to fit your eyes and your unique case of keratoconus.

Studies have shown that Rose-K contacts can bring clearer vision to 100% of people with moderate keratoconus and 96% with severe keratoconus.

Hybrid lenses use 2 different materials to help combine the benefits of both rigid gas-permeable and soft contact lenses.

The center of the lens uses RGP materials to provide you with sharper vision, while a soft hydrogel skirt helps ensure they remain comfortable all day long.

The Eye Exam

Before we can prescribe a pair of contact lenses, weโ€™ll need to examine your eyes. While more people than ever can wear contact lenses, some issues may affect your candidacy, like:

  • Dry eye symptoms
  • Frequent eye infections
  • Frequent allergic reactions
  • Living or working in dusty environments

The Contact Lens Fitting

The fitting process is how we determine which type of lenses may be best for you. Weโ€™ll take several measurements during the fitting to ensure your lenses fit comfortably and provide the clear vision youโ€™re looking for. Some of these measurements include:

Find Freedom & Clarity Today

Lake Eye Associates is your home for quality eye care and vision solutions. If youโ€™re wondering whether contact lenses can bring you clarity, comfort, and convenience, please get in touch with us today to book your appointment.

Order your contacts the Abby way


Order your contacts the Abby way. The friendly and easy way to order your contact lenses โ€“ from your eye doctor that you already know and trust. Ordering through Abby ensures that you have an easy, convenient, and secure contact lens ordering experience. You can track your orders, see your prescription at any time, and stay up to date on details like when your prescription will expire.

Ask your local optician and sign up for Abby today!

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