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Category: Eye Care

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Contact Lens Care 101: A Guide to Healthy and Comfortable Eyes

Contact Lens Care

If youโ€™re a contact lens wearer, understanding the proper way to use, store and maintain your lenses is the key to ensuring their continued comfort and safety. Improper use and care of contact lenses is a common cause of eye irritation, inflammation, infections like conjunctivitis (pink eye), and, most concerningly, corneal inflammation and ulcers. At […]

Protect Your Eyes From Halloween Hazards

Protect Your Eyes from HALLOWEEN HAZARDS

Halloween should be all about tricks, treats, delightful costumes, and making excuses to overindulge in sweets. But some of todayโ€™s more inventive and exciting costumes include accessories that can irritate eyes, invite infection and, in some cases, cause permanent blindness. No, weโ€™re not kidding. The CDC, American Academy of Ophthalmology, and doctors of Lake Eye […]

Scott R. Wehrly of Lake Eye Associates Named to Castle Connolly’s “TOP DOCTORS” List for 2022

(Tavares, FL โ€“ April 7, 2022) โ€“ Scott R. Wehrly, an ophthalmologist at Lake Eye Associates has been named to the 2022 list of โ€œTop Doctorsโ€ by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd.  Castle Connolly connects patients with best-in-class healthcare, providing consumers with trusted lists of exceptional medical professionals. A peer-driven nomination process is followed up with […]

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