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Category: Adult Eye Exams

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How Vision Changes with Age: What Seniors Need to Know

Two person photo on how Vision Changes with Age

Reviewed By: Dr. Mari Holderby, OD. Have you ever paused to think about how much your vision impacts your daily life?  From reading a cherished book to recognizing a loved oneโ€™s face, our eyes play a vital role in connecting us to the world. But as we age, this connection can become strained. Did you […]

Adult Eye Exams: How Often Should You Get One?

Adult Eye Exams: How Often Should You Get One

Reviewed By: Dr. Christine Bui, OD Your eyesight is one of your most important senses, yet many people neglect regular eye check-ups. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that about 12 million Americans aged 40 and older experience vision impairment, with 1 million of them being completely blind. Statistics show that nearly […]

Healthy Habits for Maintaining Good Vision at every Age

Healthy Habits for Maintaining Good Vision

Like every part of the body, eyes need routine maintenance to perform their very best. Healthy vision can be supported by a combination of healthy lifestyle choices, proper hygiene, and regular check-ups with your eye doctor. Whatever your age, smart choices promote optimal eye health, vision and comfort. TIPS FOR MAINTAINING GOOD VISION Make sure […]

The Link Between Medications and Eye Health in Seniors

Link Between Medications and Eye Health in Seniors

Age-related eye diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma, are the primary causes of vision impairment and blindness in the United States. However, vision loss also intersects with medication safety. Access to clear prescription informationโ€”labels, usage instructions, and dosage detailsโ€”matters for proper medication management. Unfortunately, many seniors with impaired vision struggle […]

The Importance of Eye Exams for Seniors

Importance of Eye Exams for Seniors

The eyes are the window to our overall health, especially as we age. That’s why regular eye exams are essential for seniors, even if they have no current vision problems or symptoms. Senior eye exams can help detect and prevent serious eye diseases that could lead to vision loss or blindness. What Are Senior Eye […]

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